

is the name of our Children’s Ministry at First Presbyterian Bakersfield and is led by a team of staff and volunteers whose passion is children and who have been carefully screened and trained to ensure your child’s safety and security.  Our goal is to provide a fun and interactive program tailored just for kids no matter what age and grade to help them know Jesus and grow spiritually as they build meaningful relationships with other children and adults!  Our ministry exists to guide children in their JOURNEY to Know Christ, Love one Another, and Bless the World.  Everything we do is centered around Knowing Christ, Loving one Another and Blessing the World, and we believe this helps prepare your children for a life-long journey with Jesus and equips each child to live out their faith in a meaningful way and share that faith with others!

If you are new to First Pres, please complete our FP Kids and Youth Registration FormThis form will remain active from September 1 through August 31 of the following year.  One form can be completed per family (all children/youth on one form).

news-events Click the banner above for our latest newsletter.

mw-bannerClick the banner above for information on our Midweek Program.

Welcome to FUSION 4/5/6!: A youth group designed specifically for pre-teen students at First Pres.
Click the banner for information about our next event.


Many hands make light work!  We are so grateful for our volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering in FP Kids, please contact Carol.  Our Volunteer Application Packet is available by clicking the banner above.


Click the banner above for answers to our most frequently asked questions.  Curious about something we didn’t cover?  Feel free to e-mail our Children’s Ministry Director.                       




Follow FP Kids on Facebook

Contact Carol Scheevel, Director of Children’s Ministries at 661-325-9419 or email carol@fpbchurch.com.