Worship is central to our Christian life and to what we do at First Pres. In worship we declare and acknowledge God’s worth through prayer and by the spoken and sung word. Worship is not static, it is active; worship is not just a mood; it is a response; worship is not just a feeling, it is a declaration. The essence of worship is celebration. As we celebrate God and his goodness, and as we say and sing his praises, we honor and worship him. Click here to watch our services online.
Traditional Worship – 9:00 a.m.
Our traditional service provides a formal and friendly worship experience that highlights the historic roots of the reformed tradition. Led by the Westminster Choir, and often augmented by instrumentalists from the orchestra or local university, this service utilizes hymns, organ, anthems and liturgy to invite people into the presence of God.
Contemporary Worship – 10:45 a.m.
Our contemporary service promotes vibrant worship that brings together contemporary music and the wonder of God. Led by the FP Worship Band, people are drawn into the powerful, participatory experience that welcomes an authentic encounter with the Living God and with the friendly community at First Pres.