
Father Daughter Dance

You’re invited to the 28th Annual
Father-Daughter Valentine Dance!

Girls of all ages are encouraged to bring their dad, grand-dad, uncle, or other significant male in their life to celebrate this special relationship. 

This year’s celebration will include:

– Red Carpet Welcome

– Live DJ

– Dancing

– Professional Photographer to commemorate the special evening

– Refreshments (provided)

– Balloons and candy for days

– Door Prizes and a Disneyland themed Grand Prize!

Tickets:  $12 per person

Photo packages:  $25 or $45 (provided by Susan Heflin Photography)

Tickets are available online only through midnight on February 7th. Tickets will be $20 at the door (cash preferred).

Click on the flyer to purchase your tickets.

If you would like to volunteer to help make this event amazing, contact Jana Peters.