If you are new to First Pres, please complete our FP Kids and Youth Registration Form. This form will remain active from September 1 through August 31 of the following year. One form can be completed per family (all children/youth on one form).
Our Children’s Ministry exists to guide children in their JOURNEY to Know Christ, Love one Another, and Bless the World. Click the logo to check out our Children’s Ministry page!
Leading students to a life centered in Jesus Christ. We do this by Equipping students with Biblical teaching and discussion (Knowing Christ); Encouraging each other in community, small groups, and fellowship (Loving One Another); and Empowering students to mission on their school campus, in the community, and around the world (Blessing the World). Click the logo to get more information on what we offer Junior High and High School students!
Creative Ways to Serve in Children’s and Youth Ministry